Episode 5: Okay, Now What? Part 1

What do they want to do to my newborn baby? And while we’re at it, what on earth is my baby doing?

In this episode, your hosts get serious and start discussing the ins and outs of what to expect, now that your baby has actually arrived.

There's a lot that is recommended or suggested in a relatively short stretch of time, and it can feel like a bit of a whirlwind. Dr. Val and Dr. Philip will get into some of the various things we do for babies in the newborn period, and more importantly, why we do them! These include things like injections, immunizations, skin-to-skin time, and so on.

Then, they start getting into all the things that your baby will do that may just freak you out.

This episode  should hopefully make that experience at least a bit more manageable!


Episode 6: New Year’s Greetings!


Episode 4: Bottles and Cups and Teeth (Oh, My!)